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International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management. Guidelines for personal protection when handling and applying pesticides

These guidelines are intended to provide guidance on pesticide risk reduction through reduced exposure by effective personal protection with special attention to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). First, they provide technical information on personal protection and on the selection and use of PPE. Second, in line with the FAO/WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, they address policy issues and recommend measures to improve personal protection and specifically the use and availability of adequate quality and affordable PPE. They are primarily aimed at government authorities in charge of pesticide management and risk reduction, but are also considered useful [...]

Issue paper


Geographical Indications for sustainable food systems. Preserving and promoting agricultural and food heritage

A geographical indication (GI) is a label that applies to products with specific quality, reputation or other characteristics resulting from their geographical origin. These specific characteristics can be the result of natural or human factors. GIs are protected by intellectual property rights (IPR) according to the World Trade Organization agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the Geneva Act. GIs represent a collective asset linked to local heritage and reputation. Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French and Russian.



Importance of agriculture and trade policy coherence for agricultural transformation in africa. FAO Trade Policy Briefs No. 34 Trade & Food Security

This policy brief is based on the FAO (2018) report “Policy coherence for agricultural transformation in African least developed countries: Aligning agriculture and trade policymaking processes”. The report presents the results of the Multi-partner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM) Project on Trade related capacity development for food security and nutrition in Eastern and Southern Africa, implemented by FAO and focusing on four least developed countries in Africa: Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia.

Issue paper


Enabling young rural women to participate in rural transformation in East and Southern Africa

This paper looks at the main characteristics of rural transformation and the current lives of young rural women in East and Southern Africa, and identifies the key actions necessary to ensure that they have equal opportunities to participate in, and benefit from, the process of rural transformation.



Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia 2019. Structural transformations of agriculture for improved food security, nutrition and environment

The Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia 2019 consists of three main sections: 1) an in-depth situation analysis of Sustainable Development Goal 2 Target 2.1 (to end hunger and ensure access to food by all) and Target 2.2 (to end all forms of malnutrition), as well as the state of micronutrient deficiencies; 2) an analysis of the drivers and determinants of food security and nutrition; and 3) a special look at the structural transformations of agriculture, food systems and nutrition.   This edition introduces analysis on the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity, based on [...]

Case study


NUUS: Field Stories from Africa

In the race to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and attain the aspirations of the Agenda 2063 and the 2025 Malabo Goals of the African Union, young men and women are the key drivers in our combined efforts to reach the finish line on time. The 2014 AU Malabo Summit reconfirmed that agricultural transformation should remain high on the development agenda of the continent, emphasizing its instrumentality for an inclusive growth. The youth play important roles in promoting economic growth and shared prosperity in their communities and countries. Their energy, resourcefulness and optimism are powerful catalysts for them to be important [...]



Migración y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe. 2030 Alimentación, agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe. Documento nº 26

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text will also discuss the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.  

Issue paper


An inclusive rural transformation in progress, but with unequal pace and characteristics across countries. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 6

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.

Issue paper


Rural transformation. Looking towards the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. 2030 Food, agriculture and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Document 1

The document presents a description of the structure of the rural environment, demography, the supply of goods and services, the main inequalities, levels of poverty, importance and role of family agriculture and other economic activities (diversification), the main features of rural society and the presence of the private sector. It will also discuss trends in migration and other social or economic processes relevant to the description of the rural situation. The text also discusses the importance of rural development in achieving the SDGs by identifying the current situation and the extent of change required to meet the SDGs.  



FAO’s work on social protection. Contributing to zero hunger, poverty reduction and resilience in rural areas

This brochure highlights the important role that social protection has to play in addressing many of the barriers poor rural households face in building resilient and sustainable livelihoods. Despite progress in recent decades, 736 million people worldwide still live in extreme poverty. Most are in rural areas, possess few or no assets and depend on agriculture and the use of natural resources for their livelihoods. A number of programmes have demonstrated not only that social protection can have significant impacts on poverty, but also that even low-income countries can afford to provide it for their citizens, if they commit to [...]