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/ Guidelines & methodologies

Global review of agricultural census methodologies and results (2006 – 2015). World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010

At the end of each census round, FAO reviews and assesses national census practices, methodologies and results, and summarizes the findings in methodological publications, under the Statistical Development Series (SDS). For the WCA 2010 round (2006–2015), these assessments have been presented in two separate publications. The first one, titled “Main results and metadata by country” (SDS 17), published in 2019, presented a compendium of census metadata and main results for a record number of 127 countries and territories. The SDS 18, i.e. this publication, presents in its first part (Chapters 1 to 12) a methodological review of the national censuses. In its second part (Chapter 13), it illustrates global comparable data on key variables characterizing the structure of agriculture.

The global review of census results includes key structural variables that are not available elsewhere. Some examples are number and area of holdings, land tenure and holder gender. Other variables are land size classes, average holding sizes, legal status of holders, household sizes, source of farm labour, land use and operated land.
