Policy Support and Governance Gateway

Data and statistics

FAO Country Policy Profile

The FAO Country Policy Profiles (CPPs) are innovative web-based semi-automated products, synchronized with the forward-looking multidisciplinary Future of Food and Agriculture strategic foresight work, that deliver policy intelligence at country level for more than 170 countries and territories, facilitate country-specific analyses, aim to contribute to a better diagnosis of issues that perpetuate gaps and barriers to progress, and to activate triggers for the transformation. In summary, a CPP:

  • retrieves info on policy environment from the FAO Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) database;
  • juxtaposes this with relevant country-level multisectoral long-term data trends obtained from other databases (FAOSTAT, World Development Indicators, AQUASTAT, ILOSTAT and UNISTAT, and others), which generate automatized text; 
  • and pairs and analyses all of it with overall national realities and specific context to connect the dots, which usually represent difficult political economy challenges to solving trade-offs (e.g., Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold).


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Policy Theme