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Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update

The Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update (MPPU) complements FAO's bi-annual market reports.

The oilcrops brief notes review the development of international prices for oilseeds, oils and meals as reflected by FAO's specific price indices and spot recent policy and market events - selected from a variety of sources - that are deemed important for the global oilseed economy. The oilcrop brief is issued on the second week of each month, for a total of 10 issues per year. 

Policy archive

All the information published in the second part of the MPPU (the section featuring policy developments and industry news) is now also available in a single Excel file called policy archive  for news items that deal with specific countries or topics. To launch a search save the file on your PC, type your keyword in the white search box at the top (column C), then leave the cell and finally click on 'filter' (column D). You will see a list of items featuring the keyword in chronological order.
