Portal de apoyo a las políticas y la gobernanza

Case study

Regional analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions of Eastern Africa

This report aims to guide FAO – and other international actors – committed to providing developing countries with the support required for implementing their NDCs and ensuring future commitments are transparent, quantifiable, comparable, verifiable and ambitious. The agriculture sectors in Eastern Africa represent a pivotal opportunity for simultaneously leveraging the mitigation potential of the region, while enhancing adaptive capacity and food security outcomes through a transition to more sustainable agriculture and land use. However, change will only come about if supported by appropriate policies, institutional arrangements, capacity development and finance mechanisms. By highlighting the gaps in the coverage of mitigation and adaptation actions in the agriculture sector, as well as illustrating opportunities for enhancing climate ambitions in the next round of NDCs, this analysis can serve as an important roadmap for directing future investment and international support toward l ow-emission, climate-resilient and inclusive agriculture systems in the region. 
