Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

Issue paper

Social protection and migration: Synergies in action to improve resilience and reduce poverty in rural areas

This publication was developed by the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (UNU-Merit) in partnership with FAO. The policy paper is conceived as a framing paper, which conceptualizes the relationship between social protection, migration, and rural development, and strengthens these synergies for FAO’s programming.

The relationship between social protection, migration, and rural development is critical to the FAO mandate to end hunger for all. In its capacity as an organization working across emergency and development contexts, FAO is well positioned to promote the synergies that exist at the intersection of social protection and migration in rural contexts.

Accordingly, the Social Protection and Migration Policy paper seeks to strengthen migration and social protection synergies in FAO’s programming by identifying linkages between social protection and migration from currently available literature; highlighting illustrative examples of areas where FAO has already started to work at the intersection of migration and social protection and offering ways of how FAO can further mainstream migration-social protection synergies.

Policy Theme