Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance


Report of the Second WASAG International Forum - Making agriculture resilient for climate change: Water scarcity, an opportunity for action and collaboration, 7–10 February 2023, Praia, Cabo Verde

The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) was launched during the UNFCCC’s COP22 in Marrakech Morocco in November 2016. WASAG has since steadily received recognition and mandate to support countries in finding solutions to cope with water scarcity in agriculture in the face of climate change. In April 2017, a meeting of partners agreed to establish the WASAG partnership to be hosted by FAO to advance the mandate of the framework.Emerging from its foundational years, WASAG held its first International Forum with the theme “Leaving no one behind”, from 19 to 22 March 2019 in Praia, Cabo Verde, where the partners – under the leadership of the six WASAG working groups – developed and adopted the Praia Commitments as a firm first step towards decisive actions. With the contribution of its 70 partners, WASAG has since developed its strategy for 2021–2024. WASAG is set to play a greater role in developing collaborative actions as solutions to the increasing challenges posed by climate change and the resulting water scarcity, in order to make agriculture more resilient. The second International WASAG Forum which was again hosted by the Government of Cabo Verde, under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (MAA), provided the setting for this step. This summary report presents the course of the forum, as well as the themes and issues discussed and addressed during the various technical sessions and side events.

Policy Theme