Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

Case study

Morocco. Adoption of Climate Technologies in the Agrifood Sector. Country Highlights. FAO Investment Centre

Agriculture, deforestation and other land use account for roughly 25 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2014). When the share of industry related to agriculture is included, the agriculture sector is an even greater contributor to climate change. It is thus crucial to identify technologies and practices that ensure a high and sustainable level of agricultural production while reducing GHG emissions from the sector.

This report pilots a methodology developed to identify and assess a number of climate technologies that can contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions in a country’s agrifood sector. The analysis also suggests relevant policy areas that should be evaluated to incentivise the adoption of such technologies. 

An overview of the methodology is provided below, followed by a brief explanation of how the present study can contribute to Morocco’s already significant mitigation efforts and the data limitations faced. The results of the methodology as applied in Morocco are then summarised as follows: (i) key emitting activities in Morocco; (ii) selected technologies that have the potential to mitigate GHG emissions for such activities; (iii) mitigation costs and technical GHG mitigation potential of each technology; (iv) sustainability considerations; (v) barriers hindering further uptake; and (vi) enabling policies to foster technology adoption.

FAO/European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Near East & North Africa