Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

Training & e-learning

Productive employment and decent work in rural areas

This e-learning course introduces you to the concepts of productive employment and decent work and its relevance for food and nutrition security and rural poverty reduction. The course also provides guidance on how to integrate employment and decent work considerations into agricultural strategies and programmes, with focus on specific groups such as rural women, youth and children in the agricultural sector.


The course consists of 6 lessons:

Lesson 1   Understanding employment and decent work in rural areas: concepts and definitions

Lesson 2   The centrality of employment and decent work for agricultural development, poverty reduction and food and nutrition security

Lesson 3   Youth employment in agriculture

Lesson 4   Rural women's empowerment in the context of the decent work agenda

Lesson 5   Preventing and reducing child labour in agriculture 

Lesson 6   Integrating employment and decent work in agricultural policies, strategies and programmes

Duration: 5 hours
