Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

Training & e-learning

E-learning Modules on Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems

This series of e-learning modules assists professionals from any food and agriculture field in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies. Developed through a multi-stakeholder consultative process and using a scenario-based and experiential learning approach, the modules cover all forms of malnutrition and a diversity of contexts.


Nutrition, food security and livelihoods: basic concepts
An introduction to the basic concepts of food, nutrition; the different forms of malnutrition; the frameworks for food security, nutrition security and livelihoods and their linkages. Understanding these concepts is key to be able to assess the nutrition situation and to design, implement and evaluate nutrition-sensitive programmes, investments and policies.

Improving nutrition through agriculture and food systems
Learn about the linkages between agriculture, food systems and nutrition, with concrete examples on how to integrate nutrition into food system policies, investments and programmes. Discover existing initiatives on which to build to integrate nutrition in your work.

From nutrition situation analysis to nutrition-sensitive project design, monitoring and evaluation
To be released in 2017, this module will provide guidance for nutrition situation analysis, and address key features of programme design, implementation and monitoring of nutrition-sensitive policies and programmes.

Agreeing on causes of malnutrition for joint action
Improve your understanding of the multi-sectoral causes of malnutrition and learn how to support integrated nutrition planning, through the use of the “problem-and-solution tree” methodology.

FAO/European Commission/ World Bank/ German Ministry of Food and Agriculture