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Agricultural Development Assistance Mapping (ADAM)

ADAM gathers information from diverse databases to help users:

  • Analyse agricultural aid flows
  • Determine priorities for assistance
  • Formulate resource mobilization strategies

Browse Data 
Find out which resource partners are operating where and when; determine the top ten resource partners in the country/region of your choice; and analyse past spending in specific OECD-DAC sectors and FAO strategic objectives. 

Analyse Data
Analyse common priorities between FAO, national governments and resource partners; view information on previously implemented projects; assess FAO's comparative advantage; and create a snapshot of resource partners' past activity.

Resource Partner Profiles
Gather information on a resource partner's stated priority themes, preferred geographic areas of focus, spending patterns, favoured funding mechanisms and internal processes. Contacts and web links are also provided.

Find out more: ADAM brochure
