Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA)

Regional Coordination Meetings

The Parties to the PSMA agreed on the importance of convening regional meetings to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Agreement, and to follow up on the implementation of the “Bali Strategy” adopted at the Fourth meeting of the Parties.

In this context, FAO is convening a series of regional coordination meetings on the implementation of the PSMA throughout 2024. Senior officials and technical experts from Parties and non-parties together with Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs) are invited to the meetings.

The meeting will specifically:

  1. Take stock of the status of the PSMA and its application in the region
  2. Address the challenges in implementation of the PSMA in the region
  3. Address the usage of the PSMA Global Information Exchange System
  4. Discuss regional port State measures implementation strategies, including through relevant Regional Fishery Bodies
  5. Draw up recommendations, including on improving the effectiveness of the PSMA, for consideration by the PSMA Strategy and Monitoring Working Group.

Regional Coordination Meeting for Asia

10 – 14 June 2024, Tokyo, Japan

Regional Coordination Meeting for Africa and the Near East

27 – 31 May 2024, Casablanca, Morocco

Regional Coordination Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean

13 – 17 May 2024, San José, Costa Rica

Regional Coordination Meeting for the South West and East Pacific

12 – 16 February 2024, Auckland, New Zealand

11 - 15 July 2022, Seoul, Korea