EU co-finances project to fight IUU fishing

The European Commission's Directorate General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has provided the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations with a grant of USD 1 800 000 to co-finance a USD 2 300 000 project to support the implementation of the PSMA and complementary international instruments and regional mechanisms to fight IUU fishing.
At the country level, this specific project provides assistance to strengthen national policy and legislative frameworks to combat IUU fishing; the strengthening of MCS enforcement institutions and systems; the enhancement of capacity to improve flag State performance in line with the FAO Voluntary Guidelines, to perform inspections in port and to more effectively take action against persons and entitites engaged in IUU fishing, and; as appropriate, the implementation of market access measures, such as catch documentation and traceability schemes.
Additionally, the project supports the further development of the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels (Global Record) and a PSMA Capacity Development Portal to be hosted by FAO.
The European Commission's grant recognizes the special requirements of Developing States in relation to the implementation of Port State Measures as set forth under Part 6 of the Agreement.