
Africa and Near East countries meet to discuss the PSMA


Senior officials and technical experts from 28 countries and 3 regional fishery bodies in Africa and the Near East, representing intergovernmental organizations and Parties and non-Parties to the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), are meeting in Morocco, in the third of a series of PSMA Regional Coordination Meetings (RCMs).

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is convening several Regional Coordination Meetings in 2024 that will discuss, on a regional level, the implementation of the PSMA and follow up on the ‘Bali Strategy’ adopted by the Parties to the Agreement in May 2023. The meeting for Africa and Near East is taking place in Casablanca between the 27–31 May 2024.

The PSMA is the first binding international agreement designed to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Entering into force in 2016, the PSMA has the highest rate of adherence of all international fisheries instruments. Currently, the PSMA has 78 Parties including the European Union which is considered as one Party on behalf of its Member States. Papua New Guinea and Comoros are the latest States to adhere to the PSMA, in April 2024, bringing the total number of States bound by the Agreement to 104.

The PSMA Regional Coordination Meetings were called for by the Parties themselves at the first Meeting of the Parties held in Oslo in 2017. Specifically, this meeting takes stock of the status of the Agreement and its application in the region, addresses challenges in the implementation of the PSMA and the usage of the PSMA Global Information Exchange System. At the same time, the meeting discusses regional port State measures implementation strategies and draws up recommendations, including on improving the effectiveness and monitoring the implementation of the PSMA, for consideration by the PSMA Strategy and Monitoring Working Group.

Addressing the opening of the third Regional Coordination Meeting, Mrs. Zakia Driouich, Secretary General of the Department of Maritime Fisheries, said: “By organizing this regional coordination meeting, the Kingdom of Morocco reaffirms its pioneering role in the implementation of the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures. Our country is internationally recognized for its proactive initiatives and determination to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, and we will continue to be at the forefront of these global efforts.”

Mr. Jean Senahoun, FAO Representative in Morocco, said: “The FAO recognizes the remarkable efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco in implementing the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures. Our collaboration aims to amplify these efforts and ensure tangible results in the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.”

Matthew Camilleri, Leader of the FAO Fisheries Global and Regional Processes Team said that “these Regional Coordination Meetings represent a great opportunity for progressing on the coordination and implementation of the PSMA at regional level whilst advancing discussions on various aspects of the Bali Strategy”.

The third PSMA Regional Coordination Meeting is being held with funding by the European Union.

More information on the PSMA and FAO’s work is available here.