Accord relatif aux mesures du ressort de l’État du Port (PSMA)


L’Accord de la FAO de 2009 sur les mesures du ressort de l’État du port visant à prévenir, contrecarrer et éliminer la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée (PSMA) a été signé par 100 États qui en sont désormais officiellement...
Eritrea has become the 74th Party to the 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to prevent, deter, and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (PSMA), effectively becoming the 100th State to accede to the Agreement. Since entering into force in...
Up to 26 participants from three different government Ministries in Panama participated in an FAO workshop on catch documentation schemes, held in Ciudad de Panamá between 25 – 28 October 2022. The workshops were held within the framework of the support provided...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has delivered a week-long port inspection training course in Trinidad and Tobago in the framework of the European Union funded project, the Third PSMA Global Capacity Development Programme Support Project...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is currently assisting Côte d’Ivoire to strengthen its technical capacity to prevent, deter, and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.  Under the project GCP/INT/413/EC, through a two days workshop, FAO...