Acuerdo sobre medidas del Estado rector del puerto (AMERP)


2023 - FAO
The Parties reviewed the status of the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (“the Agreement” or PSMA) and recalled the decisions of the Third Meeting of the Parties. Progress and challenges in the implementation of the Agreement by Parties were...
Media resources
2023 - FAO
El Acuerdo sobre las medidas del Estado rector del puerto destinadas a prevenir, desalentar y eliminar la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada fue aprobado por la Conferencia de la FAO en su 36.o periodo de sesiones (Roma, 18‑23 de noviembre de...
Media resources
2023 - FAO
View this brief video message about the importance of the PSMA. See here
Media resources
2022 - FAO
The PSMA covers 100 States around the world. View this short animation showing adherence since 2016. Link here
Media resources
2022 - FAO
Implementing the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) is like border control for travellers. Watch this 3-minute animation, explaining how the PSMA works. Watch here in: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.