

2007 - FAO
The Model Scheme on Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing is addressed to all States, fishing entities and regional fisheries management organizations. Its purpose is to facilitate the implementation of effective action by port States to...
2007 - FAO
This document contains the report of the Expert Consultation to Draft a Legally-binding Instrument on Port State Measures that was held in Washington D.C., United States of America, from 4 to 8 September 2007. Taking account of paragraph 68 of...
2007 - FAO
This document contains the reports of the IOC/FAO/IOTC [Indian Ocean Commission/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Indian Ocean Tuna Commission] Symposium and Workshop to Strengthen Port State Measures in the Indian Ocean held in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 18...
2006 - FAO
This document contains the report of, and the papers presented at, the FAO/FFA Regional Workshop to Promote the Full and Effective Implementation of Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated [IUU] Fishing, which was held at Nadi, Fiji,...
2004 - FAO
本文件含有2004年8月31日-9月2日在罗马粮农组织总部举行的审查打击非法、不报告不管制(IUU)捕捞港口另措施的技术磋商会报告。该技术磋商会是由粮农组织总干事根据2003年2月粮农组织渔业委员会第二十五届会议的建议召开的。技术磋商会的目的是处理与港口国在打击IUU捕捞方面的作用有关的实质性问题,并处理制定关于预防、制止和消除IUU捕捞港口国措施区域备忘录的准则。经审议后,技术磋商会批准了《关于打击IUU捕捞港口国措施的样本计划》,强烈支持拟议的促进发展中国家人力资源开发和机构强化的《援助计划》从而促进全面和有效地实施打击IUU捕捞港口中国措施,并支持建立有关港口国措施的数据库。 在这里访问文档。
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