Producción y productos avícolas

Arzu Women’s Group

Country Azerbaijan
Year 2020
Copyright ©FAO

From baking sweets to raising chickens, the members of Arzu Women’s Group in the Ismayilli region of Azerbaijan have found a variety of ways to improve their income while gaining new knowledge in farming, innovative technologies and business planning. 

The group, formed in Sumagalli village under the Agro Action of Azerbaijani Women Project with income generated by the women and funding from the FAO-Azerbaijan Partnership Programme, aims to boost food security, and promote socially-inclusive rural development and sustainable livelihoods, through the empowerment of rural women. 

Group members who are involved in farming are learning about best practices in their respective areas, innovation, business development and gaining access to resources. 

“Currently, most of the women are engaged in raising chickens, as it is a good income-generating occupation due to growing demand for organic poultry,” the group says.

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