Producción y productos avícolas
Country: Syria

A woman in Rural Damascus inspects one of 20 laying hens received as part of a project designed to enable households affected by the crisis to access fresh and nutritious...

Country: Vietnam

During a study on long distance free grazing ducks. An Giang Province, Viet Nam

Country: Nicaragua

FAO Nicaragua is closing this year the programme “Indigenous Seeds bank from the Alto Wangki Bocay,” which has been developed in a remote and isolated area of the country, where...

Country: Guatemala

Child of a rural family supported by FAO through the promotion of small livestock keeping. San Luis Jilotepeque, Jalapa, Guatemala 

Country: Zimbabwe

4 August 2014, Dangarendove, Chirumhanzi District, Zimbabwe - A benefiaciary of the voucher system, Mrs Pedzisai Bandambira of Kasimure in Hurungwe feeds her chickens. As a result of the voucher...

Country: Equatorial Guinea

Programa enmarcado dentro del proyecto de desarrollo de la avicultura familiar en Guinea Ecuatorial UTF/EQG/007/EQG entre el Gobierno de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (Ministerio de Agricultura y Bosque) y...

Country: Equatorial Guinea

Programa enmarcado dentro del proyecto de desarrollo de la avicultura familiar en Guinea Ecuatorial UTF/EQG/007/EQG entre el Gobierno de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (Ministerio de Agricultura y Bosque) y...

Country: Vietnam

Basic biosecurity standards for small and medium scale parent flock farms and hatcheries in Viet Nam

Country: Azerbaijan

In a village in South Azerbijan 

Country: Vietnam

FAO project- Basic biosecurity standards for small and medium scale parent flock farms and hatcheries in Viet Nam