Producción y productos avícolas
Country: Italy

31 December 2021, Savigliano (Piedmont), Italy - White leghorn (livornese) hens are raised outdoors at the Cascina Mana organic laying farm, where a closed-loop system is used, whereby the countryside...

Country: Kenya

We don't need much when your indigenous poultry start laying or brooding. All you need is recycled materials such as milk boxes, basins, grass, rags and cotton. This is cheap...

Country: Bangladesh

A veterinarian looks at the eye of the Sonali chicken. The photo was captured in a poultry farm in Jaypurhat district, Bangladesh.

Country: Nigeria

The 'Mother Hen' with her chicks picking some millet grains around a plantain tree on a sunny day at the backyard.

Country: Bangladesh

A poultry seller is waiting for customers. The photo was taken in a live bird market in Bogra district, Bangladesh.

Country: Kenya

Lina Wakio is a young mother and widow, living in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. As a part of the Mwangere Farmer Field School, she has learned different poultry rearing methods...

Country: Kenya

16 March 2021, Gatundu, Kiambu County, Kenya - Members of Kahuruko Farmer Field School inspect some chicken as an activity for the Farmer Field School at a farm in Kahuruko...

Country: South Sudan

26 February 2021, Aweil West, Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, South Sudan - Regina Arach received goats and chickens at a small stock market. With funding from USAID, the Emergency Livelihood Response...

Country: Italy

21 December 2021, Narni, Umbria, Italy - Guinea fowls raised outdoors.

Country: Italy

Free-range turkeys in a farm located in Marta, Italy.