Passerelle sur l’aviculture et les produits avicoles

Farm tour

Country Kenya
Year 2020
Copyright ©FAO/Luis Tato

27 February 2020, Thika, Kenya - Youth farmers beneficiaries visit a poultry farm in Thika, Kenya on February 27, 2020. FAO has organised a farm tour to connect the youth to local farms and producers. Each participating farm will provide guided tours, demonstrations, and hands-on experience. The planned visit is part of the program implementation capacity development program meant to transfer technology, knowledge and skills to the youth. The Youth will also have experiential learning in the field to learn on Market Access and Value Chain Development to enable them understand how the world of producing, buying and selling goods and services work. They will be expected to meet with value chain actors across each value chain i.e Input Provision, Production, Aggregation, Processors, Retailers, Finance Providers, Distribution and Consumers.