Passerelle sur l’aviculture et les produits avicoles
Country: Peru

Las aves son los medios de vida de gran valor para las familias rurales.

Country: Philippines

Cotabato Province, Mindanao, Philippines- Farmers in Barangay Agriculture gather at the Community Nursery for the distribution of farm inputs that will support their livelihood recovery after a series of man-made and...

Country: Tunisia

13 July 2017, Sidi Makhlouf, Medenine, Tunisia - Mohamed Baaka. Quail breeding and egg production. 

Country: Iraq

Mariam Majeed Aziz and her son Abdul Khader at their house in Mala Omar Village receiving hens and poultry feeding, as part of FAO’s work for improving rural livelihoods, nutrition...

Country: Myanmar

In Pyi Tawyar village (Hakha township, Chin State) FAO distributed chickens, as part of its support to 2,934 vulnerable households in Chin State. In total FAO provided emergency livelihoods support...

Country: Italy

Joyful child holding young birds.

Country: Tunisia

Family poultry in Tunisia.

Country: Philippines

A farmer in Barangay Lupo, Altavas, Aklan Province, inspects his chickens. Livestock and poultry-raising are among of the sources of livelihood of people in the community. Agricultural livelihoods in the...

Country: Afghanistan

Afghan poultry enjoying fresh air (Bamyan province, 2016).

Country: Iraq

24 November 2016, Barletta, eastern Mosul, Iraq - A woman chasing geese.