
Strengthening national science–policy interfaces for agrifood systems

An FSN Forum online consultation calls for inputs on draft guidance document


FAO’s first-ever Science and Innovation Strategy is key to support the delivery of the FAO Strategic Framework 2022−2031 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Strengthening science–policy interfaces (SPIs) for agrifood systems is one of the nine outcomes of the strategy (outcome 1.2) under the first pillar on “Strengthening science and evidence-based decision-making”.

Much has been done in advancing FAO’s contribution to SPIs at regional, national and global level to support dialogue among scientists, policymakers and other relevant stakeholders to foster inclusive science- and evidence-based policymaking for greater policy coherence, shared ownership and collective action.

Building on findings from an online consultation, background studies, key informant interviews, desktop studies, literature reviews and an expert workshop, a guidance document on how to strengthen SPIs for agrifood systems was drafted with a view to supporting individuals who produce and use evidence as well as intermediaries who broker evidence in Member Nations and partner organizations. The document focuses on the needs of low- and middle-income countries.

The FSN Forum – FAO’s open, neutral platform for multistakeholder dialogue – has made available a space where you can have a look at the draft and contribute by providing inputs, suggestions and comments on the document.

To participate in the call for submissions, click  here.

If you want to dig deeper, browse through the selection of titles below.

FAO Science and Innovation Strategy
Science and innovation serve as a foundation for the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031 and have cross-sectoral relevance across the Organization’s programme of work. The vision of the strategy is a world free from hunger and malnutrition, where the potential of science and innovation is fully leveraged to overcome complex social, economic and environmental challenges of agrifood systems in a globally equitable, inclusive and sustainable manner.

National-level models to support the use of evidence in agrifood systems policy
Science serves as a crucial source of evidence for policymakers. This report offers an overview of existing approaches aimed at strengthening the science–policy interface at the national level. It supports the utilization of evidence to transform global agrifood systems, ensuring food security and livelihoods for small-scale producers while benefiting the environment.

Global science–policy interfaces related to agrifood systems: a desktop review of structures and common patterns
This background paper to the guidance that FAO is developing on strengthening science–policy interfaces (SPIs) for agrifood systems at the national level provides information about the structures and patterns common to global SPIs. It provides a broad overview and comparison of how international SPIs function.

Introducing the Agrifood Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook − 2022 
This report seeks to address the current level of uptake of technologies and innovations in low- and middle-income countries, which is insufficient to facilitate much-needed agrifood systems transformation.


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