Événements passés

from: 30/08/2016
to: 30/08/2016

Charla-conferencia "Las apetitosas leguminosas en los cuentos no son sosas"

Dentro del las actividades de la biblioteca pública de Manzanares que se realizan todos los veranos, se ha intentado unir los cuentos y las legumbres. De tal forma que se ha realizado una selección de aquellos cuentos en los que [...]

Location: Biblioteca pública "Lope de Vega" de Manzanares de Ciudad Real, Spain


from: 26/08/2016
to: 26/08/2016

Seminario: “Legumbres: Políticas Públicas Para Aumentar Su Producción Y Consumo”

En el marco de los objetivos propuestos por FAO para El Año Internacional de las Legumbres, el presente seminario, organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de Chile, pretende crear una instancia para reflexionar, debatir y proponer [...]

Location: Casa Central de la Universidad de Chile, Av. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 1058, Santiago, Chile


from: 25/08/2016
to: 25/08/2016

Bean Field Day

Expert speeches, field trip, discussion of issues and solutions with farmers, demonstration of bean varieties are the planned activities.

Location: Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute, Samsun, Türkiye


from: 17/08/2016
to: 17/08/2016

Cornwallis Community Gardens Association (CCGA) Garden Party

The CCGA holds an annual garden party to draw attention to the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation in 2017. This year, General Manager Elizabeth McMichael is featuring information on the International Year of Pulses. Each garden party guest will receive [...]

Location: Cornwallis Park (corner of Brigg Lane and South Broadway), Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, Canada


from: 13/08/2016
to: 13/08/2016

International Year of Pulses Celebration

This celebration will feature an Indian vegan cooking workshop that will showcase pulses as well as a discussion that will cover the role of pulses in various food cultures and how to creatively incorporate more into our diets, the importance [...]

Location: Secret Garden, 2710a Harrison Street San Francisco, CA 94100, United States of America