Medium Term Plan and Programme of Work and Budget

2020-21 biennium - previous editions

Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 (CL 164/3)

Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 (CL 163/3)

Medium Term Plan 2018-21 (reviewed) and Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 (C 2019/3) 

 Preparation for the Reviewed Medium Term Plan 2018-21 – priorities arising from the Technical Committees (PC 125/2)

  • Web Annex 1: Results Framework 2018-19– Strategic and Functional Objectives

Preparation for the Reviewed Medium Term Plan 2018-21 - Regional Priorities (PC 124/2)

  • Web Annex 1: Results Framework 2018-19 – Strategic and Functional Objectives
  • Web Annex 2: Output indicators and targets 2018-19