Global Transformation of Forests for People and Climate
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are collaborating on a 5-year project: “Global Transformation of Forests for People and Climate: a focus on West Africa”. This project is key to the rollout of the ECOWAS Convergence Plan for the Sustainable Management and Use of Forest Ecosystems in West Africa.
adopted by ECOWAS’s 15 member states - Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.
The project’s objective is to strengthen decision-making on forests and land management across West Africa, specifically addressing the loss of forest cover and biodiversity, as well as transboundary challenges, while supporting local livelihoods.
The project supports the implementation of the priorities outlined in the Forest Convergence Plan, through the following focus areas:
FOCUS AREA 1: Knowledge of forest status and dynamics (i.e. forest data, forest knowledge webportal, drivers of forest loss)
FOCUS AREA 2: Forest and land-related laws, policies, and strategies at the sub-regional level
FOCUS AREA 3: Demonstration and dissemination of community-based sustainable forest and land use practices
GENDER MAINSTREAMING: The project’s focus areas are complemented by a component on gender mainstreaming, which aims to strengthen and advocate for the role of women in forestry across West Africa

West African Countries chart a sustainable path forward with community-based forestry
In a recent workshop titled "Community-based Forestry in West Africa: The Way Forward," 77 experts and stakeholders convened in Somone, Senegal, to explore the vital role of community-based forestry (CbF) in addressing climate challenges, supporting sustainable development, and preserving biodiversity in the West African subregion.

Guardians of the green: Empowering ecotourism and community-based forestry in West Africa
Explore the thriving Popenguine Reserve in Senegal, where women-led community efforts have not only revived the once-silent forest but also paved the way for sustainable ecotourism, fostering forest conservation and empowering the local community.