المبادرة المعززة لخفض الانبعاثات الناجمة عن إزالة الغابات وتدهورها


When we think of Sudan, the first image that comes to mind is vast deserted areas with scattered vegetation. Yet, in this typical northeastern African landscape, forests are among the most important natural resources. They have a critical environmental role to play as windbreaks and shelterbelts in reversing desertification trends southwards. They protect the Nile watershed and contribute to carbon sequestration in these barren zones of the world, giving their importance a regional and global dimension. In order to protect the country's natural wealth, while simultaneously fulfilling various national and international commitments, Sudan is taking significant steps to implement activities to...
Con la presencia de la ministra de Agricultura de Chile, María Emilia Undurraga, esta mañana se realizó la sesión de Articulación Nacional del Taller de Inicio del Proyecto +Bosques, juntos contra el cambio climático, uno de las iniciativas más grandes a nivel regional con financiamiento del Fondo Verde del Clima, que permitirá gestionar y restaurar más de 25 mil hectáreas de bosque nativo en seis regiones del país en un plazo de seis años. La instancia contó además con la participación de la Representante de FAO Chile, Eve Crowley; el Subdirector General de la FAO y Representante Regional para América Latina y el...
Forest loss has serious environmental, economic and social consequences, resulting in the decline of livelihoods dependent on forest resources. With forest loss, communities also face water scarcity, habitat destruction, endangered species and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Changing the course of deforestation requires urgent measures, including a commitment to conserve and manage forests with integrated and inclusive territorial approaches. One such approach is Community Forest Management (CFM), which oversees a planned and diversified use of forests by local populations. In Latin American countries, this model has enhanced forest conservation and sustainable use of forest resources, while at the same time...
Música al natural, es la que ofrecen bosques, selvas y montes. En una armonía absoluta animales, plantas, ríos y árboles se suman para armar una sinfonía que pocas veces es perceptible para los habitantes de ciudad.  Como si habláramos de temporadas musicales, cada época del año trae ritmos diferentes. Con tonos agudos llega la lluvia a animar a aquellos animales que disfrutan de ella, y en tiempos de sol intenso, son las aves quienes trinan con mayor intensidad.  Así es, toda una orquesta que se blinda con los guardianes mayores, los árboles. Diferentes especies inundan los bosques para brindar refugio a animales,...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) have concluded a Community Forest Management Planning workshop in Konobo, Grand Gedeh County, that trained 21 community members on forest enumeration techniques to properly manage community forests. The training workshop took place recently in Zhia town, Grand Gedeh County. The team, led by the REDD+ National Project Coordinator, Saah A. David Jr. and the FAO’s Chief Technical Advisor (CTA), Jonathan Roberts, was joined by Isaac Kannah and John Negatus Wright both Measurement Reporting and Verification (MRV) officers from FDA and LISGIS respectively. The CTA and MRV officers...