المبادرة المعززة لخفض الانبعاثات الناجمة عن إزالة الغابات وتدهورها


A new paper has been published in Springer Nature’s Environmental and Ecological Statistics journal on emission factor estimators used for large-area forest inventories. Written by Luca Birigazzi, Javier G. P. Gamarra and Timothy G. Gregoire, this study aims to help in the choice of estimator to be used in forest surveys. It also provides a method to obtain unbiased emission factors for activity data estimated through visual  interpretation of a sample of remote imagery (such as in Collect Earth). For further information, please contact Luca Birigazzi, National Forest Inventory and Greenhouse Gas Inventory Expert ([email protected]) or Javier G. P. Gamarra, National Forest...
A delegation of the Royal Government of Cambodia visited their counterparts of Ecuador for an intensive and productive REDD+ exchange mission that took place from 4-14 December 2017. The aim of the mission was to generate a detailed understanding of how Ecuador has developed and implementing its National REDD+ Action Plan known as “Forest for Good Living”, as well as to learn from the experiences of both countries on REDD+ related topics.
Led by the National Forestry Commission of Mexico (CONAFOR) and with the Mexico REDD+ Project and the UN-REDD Programme’s support, Mexico has worked to design and establish its REDD+ National Safeguards System since 2014. In December 2017, CONAFOR launched a REDD+ Safeguards Information System.  Mexico’s Safeguards Information System is planned and built upon existing systems and information sources at the national level, and will serve to present integrated information and issue periodic reports on how REDD+ safeguards are addressed and respected. 
Over 40 forest monitoring experts from Pacific Island countries - Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga,  Indonesia and the Pacific Community (SPC) met in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, for a Pacific Regional Workshop on Forest Monitoring from 5 to 9 December 2017.  National experts shared National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) achievements and challenges, and improved their knowledge of FAO forest monitoring tools, including Open Foris and SEPAL, through hands-on training, including a field demonstration of Open Foris tools in the Sogeri forest. In addition, participants developed their capacities on National Forest Inventory design, and learned more about the...
By watching the forest from a different perspective, we can understand the impact forests have on our way of life. Thomas Pesquet, an ESA astronaut, had a unique opportunity to do just that. After 196 days spent on boardof the International Space Station, the French astronaut shared his life-changing experience in a video produced in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), raising awareness about climate change among millions of viewers. However, outer space does not only give us a different perspective; space-based Earth observation tools are valuable for addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation. It is...