المبادرة المعززة لخفض الانبعاثات الناجمة عن إزالة الغابات وتدهورها

Papua New Guinea’s REDD+ journey


Recognising the significance of tropical forests and the importance of their protection, Papua New Guinea was one of the first countries to take the global lead in seeking to combat climate change by proposing measures to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). REDD+ was first discussed in 2005 by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at its 11th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP) at the request of Costa Rica and Papua New Guinea. On behalf of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, the two countries submitted the document titled "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries: Approaches to Stimulate Action."

Following the successful recognition of REDD+ as an effective tool for addressing climate change and global development agendas, the UN-REDD Programme was formed in September 2008 to assist developing countries, including Papua New Guinea, in reaching their REDD+ goals. Since then, Papua New Guinea has made significant progress in strengthening its institutional capacities in sustainable forest management and monitoring.

Continue reading about Papua New Guinea’s REDD+ journey at http://bit.ly/2NTviGt




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