المبادرة المعززة لخفض الانبعاثات الناجمة عن إزالة الغابات وتدهورها

Webinar “Let’s Talk About Collective Tenure Rights for REDD+”



As forests continue to disappear at alarming rates, a possible solution is at hand: the recognition and expansion of collective tenure rights for local communities and indigenous peoples, in a context of overall improved land and forest governance.

Join us on 29 May 2019 (16:00 – 17:30 CEST) to learn concrete experiences from the ground (Peru, Nepal and Tanzania) and perspectives from international key experts (CIFOR, McGill University, Rights and Resources Initiative, Tenure Facility, World Resources Institute, and FAO). Participate interactively, post your questions and share your own views to enrich the discussion. 


Register here: https://forms.gle/UBQ11utGQJ7DcHnw6


DATE: 29 May 2019


16:00 – 17:30 Rome (CEST)

9:00 – 10:30 Panama/Lima (EST)

10:00 - 11:30 Washington DC and NY (EDT)

17:00 - 18:30 Nairobi (EAT)


Participation space for this webinar is limited. Please register here to ensure your spot.

Communication tool: Zoom Webinar (download, or via web)

The webinar is organized in the framework of the “Discussion Group on REDD+ and Forest Governance”, with support from the UN-REDD Programme.



Brief Introduction

  • Ms Serena Fortuna, Forestry Officer, FAO

Short Quiz

  • Ms Francesca Felicani Robles, Forestry Officer, FAO

Collective tenure rights & REDD+ (7 mins)

  • Ms Amanda Bradley, Specialist on Forest Tenure, Gender and Indigenous Peoples for REDD+, FAO

Case study: Tanzania (7 mins)

  • Prof Sébastien Jodoin, Assistant Professor, McGill University

Case study: Nepal (7 mins)

  • Mr Ghanshyam Pandey, Former President, FECOFUN, Nepal

Case study: Peru (7 mins)

  • Ms Deborah Delgado Pugley, Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru


  • Moderated by Ms Serena Fortuna, Forestry Officer, FAO

Reactions and open discussion (25 mins)

  • Mr Raymond Achu Samndong, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manager, The Tenure Facility
  • Mr Peter Veit, Director, Land and Resource Rights initiative
  • Mr Alain Frechette, Director of Strategic Analysis and Global Engagement, Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)
  • Ms Nayna Jhaveri, NR Governance and Tenure Specialist
  • Ms Iliana Monterroso, Scientist, CIFOR

Poll & evaluation

  • Let us learn from your needs on future webinars

Wrap up

  • Mr Jeffrey Y. Campbell, Manager, FAO


For more information, please contact:

Amanda Bradley, Specialist on forest tenure, gender and Indigenous Peoples for REDD+, UN-REDD gender focal point

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations






Sébastien Jodoin, McGill University

Sébastien Jodoin is an Assistant Professor in the McGill Faculty of Law and an Associate Member of the McGill School of Environment. His research focuses on transnational environmental law, human rights and environmental governance, and climate law and policy. He holds a Ph.D. in environmental studies from Yale University, an M.Phil. in international relations from the University of Cambridge, an LL.M. in international law from the London School of Economics, and B.C.L. and LL.B degrees from McGill University. He is the author of Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate: REDD+ and Indigenous and Community Rights in Indonesia and Tanzania, which has been released in open-access format by Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/forest-preservation-in-a-changing-climate/774E3A031D915471BEFF3F9A86FC6C83

Ghanshyam Pandey, Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan City, Nepal

Ghanshyam is the current mayor of Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan City in Nepal.  He is also the former president of the Federation of Community Forest Users' Group Nepal (FECOFUN). 

Deborah Delgado Pugley, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Deborah Delgado Pugley is Professor of Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She has a PhD in International Development and Sociology from the Université Catholique de Louvain and the School of Social Science Studies in Paris (Double Degree). She has researched environmental and climate policies at the international level and at the territorial level. She has field experience in the Amazonian regions of Bolivia and Peru, and has directed research teams working on climate change, indigenous social movements, human rights, natural resource management and forestry development.

Raymond Samdong, The Tenure Facility

Raymond Achu Samndong is the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manager at the International Tenure Facility base in Stockholm, Sweden. Originally from Cameroon, Raymond Achu Samndong hold a PhD in International Environment and Development Studies from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He has conducted extensive research on forest governance and the REDD+ process in the Congo Basin particularly the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). His field research has mainly focused on local level realities about the impacts of conservation and development interventions on local peoples’ rights and access to forests, local participation and benefit sharing mechanisms in the DRC. More specifically, he has published articles on the legal and institutional frameworks of land and forest governance in the DRC, drivers of deforestation, forest tenure, gender and local participation in REDD+ piloting and management regimes established for different REDD+ pilot projects in Equateur province and their adaptation to local institutional and ecological conditions.  Prior to joining the Tenure Facility, Raymond Achu Samndong was a research associate at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He has worked as a consultant to many organizations including IIED, IUCN and Rainforest Foundation- Norway, US Forest Service International Program and Woods Hole Research Centre (WHRC).

Alain Frechette, Rights and Resources Initiative

Alain is the Director of the Strategic Analysis and Global Engagement program at RRI with 15 years of experience in development assistance related to organizational program monitoring, evaluation and performance management, and over 20 years of service in areas related to natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change. Alain began his career with state and provincial forest and protected area agencies in the United States and Canada before pursuing strategic consultancies with multilateral organizations, development agencies, and NGOs such as IUCN, IDRC, the World Bank and various UN institutions across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Alain joined the Rights and Resources Initiative in 2015 and leads the Rights and Climate program and provides technical guidance and support for the development of RRI’s performance management systems, the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility, and the Strategic Analysis and Global Engagement unit. He has an undergraduate degree in environmental biology (forestry major) and a master’s in educational leadership from McGill University, as well as a PhD in environmental sciences (forest governance) from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Peter Veit, World Resources Institute

Peter is Director of the Land and Resource Rights (LRR) initiative. Peter is also an Adjunct Professor at the School of International Advanced Studies, Johns Hopkins University. For more than 25 years, Peter has worked on a range of environmental governance matters, particularly environment/democracy and environment/human rights links. He has conducted research and written on community-based natural resource management, environmental decentralization, environmental advocacy, and other environmental accountability matters. Peter has undertaken long-term field research in a number of African countries, including in Sierra Leone as a Fulbright Scholar, where he conducted research on household variability in agricultural strategies and practices; and, in Rwanda as Director of the Karisoke Mountain Gorilla Research Center, where in the 1970s he studied the behavior of mountain gorillas. Peter has also held a range of research and teaching positions at the University of California campuses at Santa Cruz and Davis.

Nayna Jhaveri

Nayna Jhaveri has been working in the field of community-based natural resource management for over 25 years. She is interested in innovative approaches to local and landscape-level governance and tenure issues that support economic growth and forest conservation in the context of climate change. She has primarily worked in a wide range of Asian countries. Following her Ph.D. in Geography from Clark University, that focused on the equity dimensions of common property resource management systems in a poor, multiethnic area of the Chinese Himalayas, she worked at the University of Washington and Colgate University for nine years. Most recently, she has been working with the USAID-supported Tenure and Global Climate Change Program managed by Tetra Tech. She is currently an independent natural resource governance and tenure specialist focused on Asia.

Iliana Monterroso, CIFOR

Iliana Monterroso is an environmental scientist with the Equity, Gender, Justice & Tenures team. She is also the co-coordinator of Gender and Social Inclusion Research. She is part of the team that coordinates the implementation of the FTA strategy to strengthen partner organizations and CIFOR scientists to address gender and social inclusion across their research and ensure continuous learning and improvement. Iliana has a BSc in Biology and an MSc and PhD in Environmental Sciences. She has participated in global comparative studies that analyzed impacts of forest tenure reforms. She has extensive experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder platforms involving indigenous peoples, descendants and grassroots organizations. Her research focuses on gender, tenure, collective rights, environmental governance and socio-environmental conflicts predominantly in Latin America.

Jeffrey Y. Campbell, FAO

Jeffrey works as the Manager of the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) at FAO in Rome. Born and raised in India, Campbell is a US citizen with over three decades of experience in community forestry, rural development and philanthropy. Before joining FAO, he worked at the Christensen Fund as Director of Grant Making and at the Ford Foundation in India, Nepal, Indonesia and New York as Program Officer, Senior Program Officer and Deputy Director (1991-2008).

Serena Fortuna, FAO

Serena Fortuna is a Forestry Officer in the REDD+ Team in FAO. Serena has nearly eighteen years of working experience, spent between FAO and other international organizations (CGIAR, IUCN, UNEP) in the field of natural resources management, forestry, climate change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem based disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. Always, however, with a clear orientation towards community based work and human rights based approaches. In her professional life, Serena has been based in Rome, Bangkok and Panama gaining experience on field work, project management and team coordination in Asia and Latin America. Currently Serena coordinates the work of the REDD+ team on governance and tenure, on synergies with agriculture and other land-use; and on REDD+ safeguards, biodiversity and ecosystem services (with a focus on mangroves and ecosystem restoration).

Amanda Bradley, FAO

Amanda works as a Specialist on forest tenure, gender and Indigenous Peoples for REDD+, with FAO supporting the UN-REDD Programme and its member countries to address tenure in the context of REDD+.  Amanda has over 15 years of experience in the natural resources and environment sector in Asia.  She is a specialist not only in resource tenure, but also in community-based natural resources management, stakeholder engagement, consultation processes, and gender assessment. Prior to joining FAO, Amanda worked in Cambodia for 14 years where she was deeply involved in tenure issues, both at the national policy level in developing supportive legislation as well as at the field level in supporting local efforts to organize consultations, meet legal requirements, and register community forestry lands.

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