REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

New publications for Tunisia and Madagascar to support planning for REDD+ national programmes



Extensive research and consultation in both Tunisia and Madagascar have resulted in the launching of 10 new national publications that form the foundation for the countries’ REDD+ preparation activities. In both countries, the UN-REDD Programme facilitated several assessments on key topics related to REDD+ programme development including analyses of the tenure rights regimes, the institutional context, the legal and policy frameworks, and the basis for national forest monitoring systems. These studies, developed in consultation with local and international experts, and refined and validated with a range of stakeholders, form a body of applicable knowledge and provide guidance on ways forward to develop REDD+ national programmes.  The publications are in French and available at the following links: 






For more information, please contact:


Amanda Bradley,

REDD+ Tenure Specialist,

REDD+/NFM Cluster

Forestry Department, FAO

[email protected]



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