REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Promoting All Voices Be Heard: A New Checklist for Gender-Responsive Workshops


To support UN-REDD partner countries and development practitioners in meaningfully integrating a gender perspective into their REDD+ efforts to build capacity and organize inclusive consultation processes, the UN-REDD Programme is pleased to share a new tool: Checklist for Gender-Responsive Workshops.  This checklist was created in response to requests for additional guidance on how to fully integrate a gender perspective into REDD+ events, and more specifically on how to ensure that women are equitably involved and actively participating in workshops at the regional, national and local levels. 

Illustrating the Programme’s commitment to implementing its gender approach, the checklist – now available on the UN-REDD Workspace in EnglishFrench and Spanish –  suggests a range of practical steps to make workshops gender responsive, with guidance on design, implementation, monitoring and reporting. For instance, the checklist provides tips on how to promote women’s meaningful and equitable participation as well as reminds organizers to discuss the importance of gender with workshop facilitators prior to the event and to set clear targets for women’s participation.  The concise and easy-to-use two-page checklist also includes helpful links to additional documentation. With this checklist in hand, organizers will be able to help ensure that all women and men REDD+ stakeholders equitably and meaningfully participate in national and subnational REDD+ processes and actions.


Fostering a learning by doing approach, the checklist is a living document that can also be adapted and modified for future use. 


For any questions and/or comments on this resource, please contact the authors of the checklist:


Elizabeth Eggerts, UN-REDD Gender Specialist

[email protected]






 ​Amanda Bradley, FAO UN-REDD Gender Focal Point

[email protected]





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