REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Do you work for a financial institution looking at tackling deforestation? Have your say until 15 December


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is conducting a survey open for the participation of respondents from all types of financial institutions and all relevant functions and working levels. The goal is getting information about what frameworks, guidance, and datasets financial institutions use to tackle deforestation in financial portfolios. The survey's results will support the definition of a pathway for mainstreaming deforestation-free finance and enabling financial institutions to improve how to address growing public concern and compliance pressures on deforestation.

  • (Extended deadline) Take the survey by 15 January 2024 at
  • Respondents: All types of financial institutions from all relevant functions and working levels.
  • Language: English
  • Length: 10-15 minutes

This survey led by FAO, with the technical support of Global Canopy, is part of a study on scaling up action by financial institutions to tackle deforestation. Undertaken as part of the GEF-7 Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) impact programme implementation, this research builds on existing frameworks, initiatives, and datasets that support financial institutions in achieving this goal.

Financial institutions are important contributors to halting and preventing deforestation to meet global climate and biodiversity targets.

For questions and more information about the survey, please contact Naoko Takahashi, Forestry Officer, FAO: [email protected]




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