REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques

Ways forward for Myanmar National Forest Inventory

Field Methodology Training to the Pioneer Field Crew Leaders and Assistant Field Crew Leaders for Myanmar National Forest Inventory


Myanmar has a long tradition in Forest Inventory and is among first countries in the world that historically had established sample-based large area forest inventories. The first National scale forest inventory was established in 1980/81 with the funding from UNDP/FAO as first phase and second phase until 1992. However, the National Level Forest Inventory was not able to fully finish for a number of different reasons.


To support the National Scale Forest Inventory, FAO UN-REDD Programme has been working together with the Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, since 2015. In 2016, FD had endorsed the National Forest Monitoring Action Plan (NFMS-AP) which becomes the basis for developing and upgrading existing large area forest inventory and monitoring capacities in the country over the coming years for multi-purposes including REDD+ and national forest, climate change and environmental policy planning and evaluation.


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