REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques

Equatorial Guinea highlights the transformational role of women in climate action

Women in Equatorial Guinea play a key role in the finalization and validation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) country programme


Aiming to address gender inequalities and strengthen women’s contributions to the planning of national climate action, Equatorial Guinea organized a national workshop with the participation of 53 women representing various sectors and social groups.

Held on 5 July, the workshop complemented an ongoing participatory process to develop the country programme for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which defines the national priorities to contribute to the global fight against climate change, and ways to translate these priorities into projects to be submitted to the GCF. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides technical support to the process and, together with the other partners, is actively involved in highlighting the importance of involving women and men equally in the development and implementation of national climate policies.

“Women’s unequal participation in decision-making processes often prevent them from fully contributing to climate-related planning, policy-making and implementation,” said Ms Maria Ruiz-Villar, FAO Forestry Officer. “At the same time, women oftentimes experience higher risks and greater burdens from the impacts of climate change. The workshop is an important step in the right direction. Benefits can include improved productivity, better livelihoods, increased incomes and adaptation options for coping with uncertainty due to the changing climate”

The women’s workshop in Equatorial Guinea has:

  • Facilitated a space for dialogue and knowledge sharing, collecting the views, experiences and concerns of women in Equatorial Guinea in relation to climate action.
  • Empowered and strengthened the capacities of women so that they are better positioned to contribute to future decision making.
  • Mainstreamed gender equality in the GCF country programme, strengthening its sustainability and efficiency.

Ms Ilaria Sisto, Gender and Development Expert from FAO, introduced the Gender Policy and Action Plan of the GCF to the participants. “The GCF acknowledges the crucial role that both women and men can play in response to climate change. A gender approach is needed to identify and address the impacts of climate change on men and women, and ensure their effective participation in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating GCF projects”- explained Ms Sisto.

Participants in the workshop shared their experiences and concerns in identifying and addressing the main sources of vulnerability of women and youth in relation to environmental degradation and climate change. “Very often women work longer hours than men and are still paid less, they have less access to higher education, to high-level positions and to decision-making processes”- indicated the participants. Participants made concrete proposals for actions that address inequalities and transform the existing gender roles, which will strengthen GCF’s contribution to gender equity and women’s empowerment.

Following the workshop, the GCF country programme was validated at the national level, and will soon be ready for submission to the GCF Secretariat, facilitating future access to climate finance.

The GCF country programme lays down the path towards a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development in Equatorial Guinea, contributing to improving the wellbeing of its population as well as to gender equality.


Useful links:

Article Equatorial Guinea reaffirms its commitment to the fight against climate change, moving forward to green development

Publication Study on drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in 2004-2014; Publication Historical analysis of deforestation and forest degradation 2004-2014; Publication National REDD+ Strategy

FAO work on REDD+:

Green Climate Fund:


For further information, please contact:

Maria Ruiz-Villar

Forestry Officer

FAO Forestry Department

[email protected]

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