REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques

3rd Mekong Mangrove Forum

Blue Carbon Ecosystem Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Utilization in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region and beyond


In celebration of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, UNESCO, in collaboration with the UN-REDD Programme and other partners is organising the 3rd Mekong Mangrove Forum. Taking place on 1 October, the Forum will support and highlight efforts to urgently conserve existing blue carbon ecosystems and to restore degraded mangroves, while promoting scientific research in support of science-based environmental management. This year, due to restrictions, the event will take place online, hosting engaging key speeches, videos, and events, and bringing together a wealth of experts in blue carbon science and conservation.

Date: Thursday, 1 October 2020

Time: 2 PM Bangkok time, 9 AM Rome time

Register here: 

More information about the event:

3rd Mekong Mangroves Forum flyer and concept note


Mangrove forests are unique ecosystems, straddling the boundary between ocean and land. Their significant roles in securing habitat for a wide range of unique species of fish, insects, molluscs and plants, and in providing direct and indirect livelihood benefits for coastal communities are all well studied. The COVID-19 outbreak and the related impacts on countries and communities put increasing visibility and recognition of the importance of the availability and sustainability of such food security and livelihoods benefits.

More recently, attention has turned to the importance of mangroves as sinks of greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide and methane – and hence their critical role in mitigating climate change. Moreover, intact and healthy mangroves act as a natural buffer, contributing to the reduction of impact forces and depth and velocity of natural hazards, thus contributing to coastal communities’ ability to adapt as the frequency and severity of such events increases as a result of climate change.

Join the 3rd Mekong Mangrove Forum to discuss the prominence of mangroves in international dialogues and national efforts on ‘nature-based solutions’ and learn about countries’ efforts to harness the unique qualities of mangroves towards both the mitigation of and adaptation to, climate change.


More information, please contact

Serena Fortuna

Forestry Officer

FAO Forestry Division

[email protected]


Ben Vickers

Forestry Officer

FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

[email protected]

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