СВОД+ Сокращение выбросов, обусловленных обезлесением и деградацией лесов

In Moscow, FAO shared experience on climate-smart agriculture, management of peatlands


For Russia, the issue of science-based restoration and sustainable, wet management of peatlands is particularly relevant. The urgency is determined by the fact that this type of wetlands perform a number of important ecosystem functions for humans. If there is a functional failure, caused in particular by anthropogenic factors, the negative consequences are numerous and diverse.

Organized by FAO, a round table discussion entitled “Climate-smart agriculture in wetlands and peatlands: Prospect for Russia” was held on 5 March on the premises of the Russian State Agrarian University – Timiryazev Academy. Experts were looking into specific opportunities to further develop wet biomass production on previously drained peatlands. This approach, called ‘paludiculture’ allows growing moisture-loving crops, feed, fibre species, trees, fish, small-scale livestock on peatlands for sustainable development of territories and climate change mitigation.

The forum reviewed international and Russian experience, including best practice in the field of wet biomass production and value chains, for example for decorative landscaping, as well as measures to stimulate and regulate the water regime of peatlands to preserve their ecosystem services.

To cope with negative consequences of unsustainable peatland management, Maria Nuutinen, FAO forestry officer specialized on peatlands recommended the following steps:

  • Conserve intact peatlands;

  • Rewet drained peatlands;
  • Implement adaptive management where rewetting is not possible;
  • Monitor to understand change and reiterate as needed;
  • Prevent fires.

At the same time, “each climate-smart practice needs to be specific to local conditions, and while providing livelihood opportunities, it should help communities adapt to climate change and reduce risks and greenhouse gas emissions,” Nuutinen pointed out.


Continue reading at: http://www.fao.org/russian-federation/news/detail-events/en/c/1184320/



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