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Mangroves: a unique role in the climate emergency


Nearly 20 years have passed since the first time I stepped into a mangrove forest, yet it is still among my fondest memories. I was already captivated by mangrove ecology through my studies; but it was only when my boots first disappeared under the mud, that I was truly hooked. I arrived at Ko Phra Thong in Thailand to take part in a survey of the mangroves on the island and I was so keen to get started that I didn’t even stop to change from shorts to long trousers, or to slap on some mosquito repellent. Well, they had a feast on my legs, leaving some very physical, itchy reminders of the experience, to add to the romantic charm of the soft green dappled light and salty breeze.

Mangrove forests are unique ecosystems, straddling the boundary between ocean and land; their significant roles in securing a habitat for a wide range of unique species of fish, insects, molluscs and plants, and in providing direct and indirect livelihood benefits for coastal communities are all well studied. The COVID-19 outbreak and the related impacts on countries and communities have only enhanced the visibility and recognition of the importance of such food security and livelihoods benefits.

More recently, attention has turned to the importance of mangroves as sinks of greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide and methane – and hence their critical role in mitigating climate change.  Moreover, healthy mangroves act as a buffer, protecting coastal areas from the effects of floods and tsunamis, thus contributing to coastal communities’ ability to adapt as the frequency and severity of such events increases due to climate change.

The prominence of mangroves in international dialogues and national efforts on ‘nature-based solutions’ is therefore becoming more evident, as we set out to harness the unique qualities of mangroves towards both the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change.

Foremost among these efforts is the inclusion of mangroves in national REDD+ strategies, through which developing countries aim to incorporate the forest sector into their policies and approaches to tackling climate change, as part of their commitments under the Paris Agreement.  Preparation of national REDD+ strategies involves the identification of specific policies and actions to address, and where possible to reverse, the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and to increase forest cover. In so doing, several countries, including Cambodia, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, India, Indonesia and Myanmar, recognized the value of mangroves-based mitigation actions. Furthermore, at least 45 countries around the world specifically mentioned mangroves in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) towards fulfilling the global goals of the Paris Agreement.

When countries introduce practical, cost-effective and achievable policies and actions for the management and protection of forests, while providing sustainable development opportunities for local forest communities, the rate of forest loss can be reduced, as well as the net emissions of greenhouse gases from forest areas.

Countries that achieve net emission reductions from the forest sector, in line with the REDD+ framework set out by the UNFCCC, are eligible for results-based payments (RBPs), for example through the Green Climate Fund’s RBP pilot programme, bilateral agreements with donors, or other mechanisms.  In this regard, mangrove ecosystems, with high proportions of carbon and methane compared to other forest types per unit area, can contribute significantly to increasing the ambition and impact of national REDD+ strategies.  

FAO, including through the flagship UN-REDD Programme (a collaborative effort between FAO, UNDP and UNEP), is working with countries to integrate mangroves into their REDD+ strategies and implement specific actions. Entry points include changes to practices in communities involved in shrimp farming or charcoal production, and support to governments in defining comprehensive packages of policies and measures for mangrove ecosystems and the communities that depend on them for their livelihoods. While planning their REDD+ activities, countries may want to carry out assessments and develop studies on the impacts and benefits of mangroves on the wider landscape and rural economy, so that the results could be presented to relevant line ministries, development partners and initiatives. They may also request support in developing specific emission factors and allometric equations for mangroves, and share these with other countries. This will allow for much more accurate estimations of the potential and actual contribution of mangrove-based actions, policies and measures to REDD+ strategy objectives.

Despite these promising developments, mangroves continue to be subject to pressures such as expansion of commercial agriculture and aquaculture. Their depletion is a cause of serious environmental and economic concern in many developing countries.

In the week of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, we must re-emphasise the importance of protecting, sustainably managing and restoring this key ecosystem, and the opportunities this represents for countries in the fight against climate change, and for the local communities that depend on these ecosystems for food security and sustainable livelihoods.

Keeping the world’s mangroves healthy will require a combination of integrated coastal management, inter-sectoral coordinated rural development policy, and the sharing of technical expertise and effective practices within and between countries.  These efforts will be in vain unless they are combined with approaches to improve the livelihoods and capacities of the people whose actions most directly affect mangroves, such as rural farming and fishing communities.

The upcoming UN Decade on ecosystem restoration represents another important channel for actions on the ground. Countries have demonstrated their interest to include mangrove restoration as part of this collective international effort, with about thirty countries incorporating mangroves in their restoration pledges as part of the Bonn Challenge.


This article was written by Serena Fortuna, forestry officer, REDD+ team, FAO, with acknowledgment for kind collaboration from Ben Vickers, forestry officer, REDD+/NFM Cluster and Maryia Kukharava, outreach (and knowledge management) expert, REDD+/NFM Cluster. 

Originally published on IISD SDG Knowledge Hub 

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