
WFW7 event “Catalyzing a science-based restoration movement in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: monitoring and action on the ground”


Join our virtual event “Catalyzing a science-based restoration movement in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: monitoring and action on the ground” to learn about the latest developments in restoration monitoring which can catalyze a global restoration movement for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event is a part of the 7th World Forestry Week parallel to FAO’s 25th Committee on Forestry (COFO), with the topic of “Forests and the SDG Decade of Action: solutions for climate change, biodiversity and people”.

Date: Monday 12 October 2020

Time: 14:30 – 15:30 CEST



 The session will highlight the progress made on the FAO-led Task Force on Monitoring established in support of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, building momentum toward a science-based global restoration movement, with actions on the ground monitored and informed by the best available biophysical and socio-economic information. Further, the session will hear highlights from restoration partners such as ETH Zurich’s Crowther Lab on a new decision support tool based on scientific and ecological data for scaling restoration actions,  and the Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) co-led by World Resources Institute and Climate Focus. The observatory will reflect on progress made to establish a global standard protocol for restoration monitoring and efforts made to monitor restoration using geospatial tools in the Lower Mekong Region.

IUCN will update on the Restoration Barometer for identifying, assessing and tracking actions on global restoration commitments. Finally, ongoing work by FAO and partners on monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration, and on socio-economic elements for restoration planning and actions will be featured. 



  • Ms Mette Wilkie, Mr Julian Fox, Ms Yelena Finegold, Mr Christophe Besacier and Mr Marco Boscolo (FAO)
  • Mr Justin Van Der Horn (ETH Zurich)
  • Ms Katie Reytar (WRI)
  • Ms Jillian Gladstone (Climate Focus)
  • Ms Elmedina Krilasevic (IUCN)

The session will be moderated by Khalil Walji, FAO



  • Opening remarks (Mette Wilkie, 5-minutes)
  • Progress and updates from the Task Force on Monitoring for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (Julian Fox, 5-minutes)
  • Presentation of ongoing initiatives to enhance planning and monitoring of ecosystem restoration
    • Application of newly available high-resolution imagery for restoration monitoring (Yelena Finegold, 5-min)
    • Presentation on the Restor platform (Justin Van Der Horn, 5-minutes)
    • Presentation of the Global Restoration Observatory (GRO) (Jillian Gladstone, Katie Reytar, 5-minutes)
    • Presentation of IUCN’s Restoration Barometer (Elmedina Krilasevic, 5-minutes)
    • Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring under The Restoration Initiative (TRI) (Christophe Besacier, 5-minutes)
    • Progress on the Socio Economics of Restoration (Marco Boscolo, 5-minutes)
    • Moderated discussion on collaboration and synergies, and audience Q & A (Moderated by Khalil Walji, 15-minutes)




For more information about the event, please contact:


Khalil Walji

FAO Forestry Division

[email protected]


Yoshihiko Aga

FAO Forestry Division

Yoshihiko[email protected]

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