REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - More clarity on who ‘owns’ emissions reductions is still needed to access different sources of forest carbon finance and protect the rights of vulnerable groups, according to a new information brief released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The brief, Carbon rights in the context of jurisdictional REDD+: Tenure links and country-based legal solutions, reveals that many countries have updated forestry legislation to comply with international climate change commitments, but only a few specify who owns emission reductions, holds carbon rights or has the right to transfer them. The report also...
Speakers from governments, producer organizations and international partners will present concrete, strategic and on-the-ground examples showcasing agriculture-forestry win-win opportunities that directly contribute to climate change mitigation, resilient landscapes, food security and better livelihoods.
The Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program – FAO REDD+ Team is now accepting proposals from non-profit, intergovernmental, and governmental organizations for the provision of global and regional analysis of sustainable finance standards for commodities decoupled from deforestation. Full details of the call for proposal are available here. Deadline for submission now extended to 23 January 2023 – 23:59 (CET).     For more information, please visit our websites: FOLUR Impact programme FAO REDD Photo credit: © FAO/Alberto Conti
Forests provide natural solutions to the global climate, health, biodiversity and food crises. Consequently, countries around the world are implementing programs and actions to halt deforestation and conserveand restore forests resources.   Member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have widely recognized social forestry as an appropriate way to enhance local livelihoods and achieve the sustainable management of forests. Over the past decade, ASEAN, with support from Switzerland and various partners, dedicated important efforts to strengthening knowledge of social forestry and promoting the adoption of these approaches.   Following the idea that indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities are the best suited...
En el municipio colombiano de Segovia, localizado en el departamento de Antioquia, sobre el margen oriental de la Cordillera de los Andes, se encuentra una de las grandes reservas de oro del país, que en su mayoría, se encuentran bajo bosques naturales con una gran riqueza ecosistémica. Su gente se identifica como campesinos porque nacieron “en la montaña, donde brilla el sol, donde anida el águila, donde canta el ruiseñor, donde la luna alumbra los caminos y donde cuidan la tierra con el surco de sus manos”, dice Madonna Zapata Bolívar, Profesional Misional Social, de FAO Colombia (FAOCO). En particular, la comunidad...