REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) y el Ministerio de Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca (MAFF) de Japón se complacen en invitarle al seminario en línea "Oportunidades de financiación climática para fomentar una agricultura de impacto positivo sobre los bosques". Será el tercer segundo seminario de los tres eventos en línea que se están celebrando en septiembre y octubre en el marco del tema "Reducción de la deforestación: enfoques y herramientas para cadenas de valor de productos con impacto positivo sobre los bosques" (desplace el cursor hacia abajo para obtener más información sobre la serie de seminarios en línea).  Sesión 3: Oportunidades de financiación climática para fomentar una agricultura de impacto...
The world’s current method of food production isn’t working. Not for the estimated 500 million farming households in the developing world who produce one third of the world’s food, nor for the health of the planet. The current system often perpetuates the destruction of natural systems that underpin food production, including soil, water and climate. As we continue to push the planet to its limits, the UN Food Systems Summit looks to curb damage to the environment and tackle world hunger by supporting ambitious new actions for transforming our global food systems and delivering progress towards SDGs and the 2030 Agenda....
Following more than a decade of REDD+ readiness and implementation of specific actions to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, many forested countries are now starting to approach the Results-based Payments phase. Before receiving these payments, each country must prepare a Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP). These plans lay out the basic strategies by which funds will be distributed. The objective is to distribute these funds equitably, while also maximizing emissions reductions. In attempting to balance these two goals, the question - “what is equity?” - looms large. With so many competing ideas around proper BSPs, it is useful to look at...
In May, 2021, UN-REDD organised its first Global Knowledge Exchange for Latin American countries to share important lessons learned from seeking to access Results-based Payments (RBPs) for REDD+. Over two days, participants from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Peru came together to explore the different experiences and challenges they faced with RBPs and to discuss how the second phase of GCF’s pilot programme on REDD+ RBPs can be improved. The exchange used a combination of breakout rooms and general sessions that kept participants engaged and focused on the following key questions: · What mechanisms are in...
As highlighted by the UN Decade of Family Farming, forests are essential for food security, livelihoods and natural resource management for smallholder farmers and family farmers worldwide. Rural populations source much of their diets from forests, including fruits, seeds, fungi, legumes, insects, animals and even leaves, stems and roots. As interest in the role of forests in food systems grows, so does the understanding of what foods various communities rely upon. Small-scale farmers living in or near forests are part of biologically diverse, integrated landscape system which provides them with ecosystem, economic and cultural benefits. Non-timber forest products provide food, income...