REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


Bonn, Germany. 11 May 2021 – Today, 14 global entities launched a renewed effort to increase data-driven climate action around the world. With the decisive UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK only six months away, the #Data4BetterClimateAction campaign aims to raise awareness about the inherent value of transparency in pursuing meaningful climate action and support. Urging governments to reframe the way they think of “transparency”, the campaign highlights how enhanced transparency can support countries to address domestic development priorities while fulfilling their international climate commitments at the same time. With only 57 countries – representing 60 percent of global emissions – ...
Fortalecer las capacidades institucionales y técnicas de Cuba en los sectores de la agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra para mejorar la transparencia en el marco del Acuerdo de París, es el propósito de un nuevo proyecto de Cuba, financiado por el Fondo Mundial para el Medio Ambiente (GEF), en asociación con el Ministerio de la Agricultura de Cuba (MINAG) y la FAO. Lanzado en taller de inicio celebrado este martes y miércoles en La Habana, CBIT prevé implementar un programa de creación y fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas, que facilitará importantes herramientas y capacitación especializada a las instituciones cubanas...
Extension of the call for proposals to May 09, 2021 at 23:59 GMT The deadline for the call for proposals has been extended to May 09, 2021 at 23: 59 GMT to provide more clarifications particularly on the mandatory minimum requirements under Section IV-Evaluation. Kindly read the Updated invitation package and updated proposal template.  All the clarifications are indicated in RED.  Carefully review your proposals to make sure they address and comply with all the requirements. These requirements are very important, as they represent the first step of the screening process. No proposal will be considered for further evaluation if it does not meet all of them.  We would like to draw your particular attention...
The Hand-in-Hand Geospatial Platform (HiH GP) is a new and unparalleled source of accessible and transparent geospatial data from across the sectors of agriculture, fisheries and forestry. The platform includes over one million geospatial layers, bringing together geographic information and statistical data on sectors linked to food and agriculture - food security, crops, soil, land, water, climate, fisheries, livestock and forestry. The platform was recently launched by Director General Qu Dongyu of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and modernizes the organization’s data accessibility and interactivity. In its latest release, the HiH platform will integrate customizable satellite imagery data for...
26 April 2021, Rome/New York - Healthy forests are key to "building back better", FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said today in his video address to the high-level round table at the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF, 26-30 April 2021). In his remarks, the Director-General extolled the many virtues of forests, including ensuring people's food security and income, storing carbon, providing energy and clean water as well as hosting most of the Earth's terrestrial biodiversity.  In particular, he emphasized a major role of forests at a time of unprecedented climate, health and economic crises, giving hope to people, environment and economy. However, he warned that...