REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) today approved $161 million in funding to support climate resilient projects in Chile, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal benefitting 1.5 million people. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has been supporting the formulation of the projects that will build resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change in the three countries. "FAO and GCF have forged a strong and strategic partnership to bring transformational climate solutions and help countries build resilience in response to climate change impacts," said Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources. Addressing climate change is a cornerstone of FAO's work...
FAO today launched a new $7.1 million project supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to make forest data more accessible, transparent and available, and, in particular, help developing countries to meet the Paris Climate Agreement's enhanced transparency requirements. Efficient monitoring of and reporting on forests and land-use change is essential for tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and as countries adopt climate change-mitigation and adaptation measures. The project is co-funded by GEF ($1.9 million) and FAO ($5.2 million). It is one of only four global projects approved under the GEF's Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) - a new trust fund aimed at supporting...
El clima y el estado del tiempo pueden afectar considerablemente nuestras vidas, como lo demuestran las escenas de inundaciones y tormentas. El cambio climático afecta nuestra capacidad de mantener la seguridad alimentaria, erradicar la pobreza y alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible. Las respuestas globales de hoy ante el cambio climático determinarán nuestra capacidad de alimentar a las futuras generaciones. Con el fin de combatir el cambio climático y sus efectos, 195 países firmaron el Acuerdo de Paris dónde manifestaron su compromiso para limitar el aumento en la temperatura global de la tierra a no más de 2°C. Para alcanzar este objetivo, cada...
Although forests are physically located within the territories of sovereign states, their environmental role extends far beyond these borders. For example, the mismanagement of riparian forests has transboundary implications in terms of soil and water conservation and biodiversity for neighbouring countries. Likewise, airborne pollutants generated in one country may be transported across borders, causing forest decline in others. The role of forests in global ecological cycles highlights the environmental significance of forests beyond the boundaries of the nations. In this context, they are being viewed as global or regional commons, as is the case in West Africa. West Africa is a...
Anyone who decides to visit my country, Bhutan, will undoubtedly admire its unique flora and fauna. Bhutan’s virtually untouched forests are located at a wide variety of altitudes and climatic areas. Travellers visiting Bhutan are often guided through mountainous hiking trails that stretch throughout these forests and along the most beautiful rivers. But breathtaking views are not the only reasons why Bhutan’s forests are so treasured.   Protecting Bhutan’s forests Located between China and India, Bhutan is the only country whose forests fully manage to keep the country carbon neutral. With a total population of only about 800,000 people, we place environmental conservation...