REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


For the first time, the UN-REDD Programme is launching an Annual Report website. The website presents the results of the UN-REDD Programme between January and December 2018, in the context of the considerable cumulative accomplishments of its partner countries over the past decade. With partner countries making progress on REDD+ readiness, the UN-REDD Programme has increasingly focused on responding to country demands and needs for technical assistance in implementing REDD+ and supporting commitments under the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. As of December 2018, the UN-REDD Programme had enabled 65 partner countries across Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the...
As Colombia steps up its efforts to fulfill commitments made under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and Agenda 2030, the cross-cutting theme of improved forest governance is at the centre of its efforts to halt deforestation and forest degradation as well as action to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recognizing forests as important components in strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change, the international community agreed on various processes designed to address problems of deforestation and forest degradation. Two of the most well-known initiatives are reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and fostering...
“Forests give us medicine, good air and rainfall, all things that are very important for us. We are helping to conserve the forest by talking to our communities and telling them about the importance of forests and why they should replant and restore them.” Noar Natolo and Scovia Bulyaba are carpet weavers and members of the Nagoje community living in the Mabira forest of Uganda. To supplement their income, they collect palm leaves from the forest and weave carpets that are later dyed with local products. The forest that supplies these women with palm leaves, also provides them with water, medicine and...
To support UN-REDD partner countries and development practitioners in meaningfully integrating a gender perspective into their REDD+ efforts to build capacity and organize inclusive consultation processes, the UN-REDD Programme is pleased to share a new tool: Checklist for Gender-Responsive Workshops.  This checklist was created in response to requests for additional guidance on how to fully integrate a gender perspective into REDD+ events, and more specifically on how to ensure that women are equitably involved and actively participating in workshops at the regional, national and local levels.  Illustrating the Programme’s commitment to implementing its gender approach, the checklist – now available on the...
 In recent years, many countries have expressed a willingness and demonstrated the capability to increase forest cover and restore degraded landscapes. As of 2018, pledges had reached upwards of 168 million hectares. The latest confirmation of this growing momentum can be seen in the recent UN General Assembly’s declaration of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030 which will help countries fight against the impact of climate change and biodiversity loss. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN Environment Programme will lead the implementation; of the decade with countries and partners. However, the question remains about...