REDD+ Reducción de las emisiones derivadas de la deforestación y la degradación de los bosques


  Extensive research and consultation in both Tunisia and Madagascar have resulted in the launching of 10 new national publications that form the foundation for the countries’ REDD+ preparation activities. In both countries, the UN-REDD Programme facilitated several assessments on key topics related to REDD+ programme development including analyses of the tenure rights regimes, the institutional context, the legal and policy frameworks, and the basis for national forest monitoring systems. These studies, developed in consultation with local and international experts, and refined and validated with a range of stakeholders, form a body of applicable knowledge and provide guidance on ways forward...
Guinea Ecuatorial ha celebrado hoy los importantes logros alcanzados en el marco de sus compromisos internacionales sobre el clima y los bosques. Autoridades, instituciones y representantes de la sociedad civil han participado en un Acto Institucional en la capital, Malabo, en el que se han reconocido los esfuerzos conjuntos y se han presentado tres nuevos proyectos. Guinea Ecuatorial aspira a un desarrollo verde, en el que el clima y los bosques son elementos clave. Los bosques ecuatoguineanos, que ocupan la mayoría del territorio nacional, constituyen un tesoro verde potencialmente inagotable, que puede contribuir a una economía verde y diversificada, además de...
En octobre 2018, les Programmes internationaux du Service forestier des États-Unis, en partenariat avec l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture, ont organisé une formation de quatre jours en probabilités et statistiques. Ce stage a été soutenu par le programme SilvaCarbon, un programme interinstitutionnel de coopération technique du gouvernement américain qui vise à renforcer les capacités en matière de mesure, de suivi et de notification des données relatives au carbone terrestre. La formation était destinée aux techniciens d’inventaire forestier du Département des inventaires et du zonage forestier de la République démocratique du Congo, pays qui renferme, selon les estimations,...
More and more countries agree that sharing lessons learned, especially on such a complex subject as GHG inventory is crucial for strengthening countries' technical and institutional capacities to progress in reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and follow-up on the commitments of the Paris Agreement. The "Mesoamerican workshop to exchange knowledge in the reporting and verification of emissions from agriculture" was held in the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from 3 to 7 December 2018. The face-to-face workshop complimented the work plan in South-South Cooperation in Forest Monitoring of the Mesoamerican Environmental Sustainability Strategy (Estrategia mesoamericana de sustentabilidad...
Myanmar has the highest proportion of forest cover in mainland Southeast Asia. According to the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 44.2% of the country’s territory is covered with forests. A considerable part of these forests is still relatively intact, hosting exceptional biodiversity, including fishing cats, sun bears, dholes, binturongs, pangolins, and more than 1,000 bird species. Moreover, an estimated 70% of the country’s population is living in rural areas and heavily dependent on forests for their basic needs. To protect the country’s natural wealth and at the same time fulfil various national and...