المبادرة المعززة لخفض الانبعاثات الناجمة عن إزالة الغابات وتدهورها


This educational video is aimed at raising awareness on the importance of forest data collection, analysis and dissemination under the Paris Agreement, focusing on the establishment of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS). This video is strongly linked with the elearning course “Forests and Transparency...
+Forest is a project funded 100% by the Green Climate Fund through its mecanism of Payments based on results. The initiative is a recognition of Chile’s achievements in reducing CO2 emissions and will contribute to the country’s international commitments on climate change mitigation in six regions.
See how Uganda manages and protects its forests.
This dialogue was designed to develop solutions to turn the tide on deforestation, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensure food security, tackle climate change and direct finance towards a more forest-friendly post-pandemic economic recovery. Discussions particularly centered on addressing deforestation in the context of agricultural value...
Launched as part of the 7th World Forest Week, this virtual event explored challenges, opportunities and actions to halt deforestation, via the transformation of food and agricultural systems. Food production is drastically increasing to meet the demand of the world’s growing population. As a result, agricultural lands are quickly encroaching...