Réduction des émissions provenant du déboisement et de la dégradation des forêts REDD+


The study presented in this document expands on the work conducted during the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2020 Remote Sensing Survey (RSS) and revisits the extensive dataset of areas where deforestation occurred over periods 2000–2010 and 2010–2018 to subclassify and assess deforestation drivers.
More clarity on who ‘owns’ emissions reductions is still needed to access different sources of forest carbon finance and protect the rights of vulnerable groups, according to a new information brief released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
This report provides an overview of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) modalities for REDD+ reporting and additional technical Measurement, Reporting and Verification requirements from different standards for accessing jurisdictional REDD+ results-based payments, focusing on REDD+ reference levels and results reported, illustrating the choices countries have made...
Le présent document vise à fournir une brève analyse du contexte national et donne un aperçu du positionnement de la République du Congo pour répondre à son engagement vis-à-vis de la déclaration de Glasgow (LDF), en examinant les mécanismes de transfert de financement existants à plusieurs niveaux ainsi que le...
This paper summarizes the current state of concepts and approaches for addressing deforestation in the trade, marketing, and production of agricultural commodities that have a disproportionate impact on forests at international, national, and landscape level. To date, predominant attention has been directed towards the role of the private sector and...