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FAO participates in the 63rd Commission of the Status of Women in New York

Published: 18/03/2019

FAO participates in the 63rd Commission of the Status of Women in New York

This year’s focus was on social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

At the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11-22 March 2019, FAO focused on how well designed social protection schemes can significantly reduce gender gaps in access to health, food, education, and economic opportunities. A panel discussion looked into how social protection enhances gender equality and empowers women and girls.

The recently published Technical Guidance Toolkit on Gender-sensitive Social Protection Programmes to Combat Rural Poverty and Hunger were also launched at the side event. Awareness was raised on gender-sensitive social protectionfor rural women’s economic empowerment, poverty reduction, gender equality and food security and nutrition. The panelists discussed the importance of rural women’s participation in social assistance schemes, shared experiences and lessons from effective practices and highlighted policies and programmes from Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa that focus on rural women in social protection interventions.

Social protection and gender in the agriculture in East and Southern Africa

At the CSW FAO joined other panels and discussions focusing onsocial protection and gender in agriculture. The talks focused oninnovative ways of providing social protection and access to public services for women in agriculture and the informal sector in East and Southern Africa. Mari Kangasniemi from FAO gave a presentation on social protection and gender in the agriculture based on the newly released Technical Guides and FAO’s evidence generation work, particularly on Rwanda and Lesotho’s experiences.

Empowering women worldwide through social protection

FAO joined the League of Arab States and ILO to highlight the role social protection has played in women’s empowerment at a global level. Junko Sazaki gave an overview of why social protection and gender are important to FAO’s mission. She also introduced key examples of FAO’s technical work in social protection and gender as well as its work in Near East and North Africa.

The 63rd CSW resulted in a draft of agreed conclusions presented by the CSW 63 Bureau where it emphasizes the importance of spreading social protection systems to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality. These programs empower rural women and give them the necessary tools to lift their families out of poverty.

For more information about the 63rd Commission of the Status of Women: http://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw63-2019   

Photos of the event are available here https://www.flickr.com/photos/unwomen/sets/72157705910085831/with/32444830367/#