Reducir la pobreza rural


It’s that time of year again – FAO’s annual appointment in Vigo, Spain for the FAO-Conxemar World Fisheries Congress. Fisheries experts, industry actors, government officials, scientists, labour union representatives, and civil society organizations descend on this Galician city from around the world to attend this one day congress addressing a different...
El año pasado, el esposo de Ashmita Thapa dejó su ciudad natal en el sur de Nepal para buscar trabajo en Arabia Saudita. Trabajaba como agricultor y lograba producir alimentos suficientes para la familia. Pero ahora, explica Ashmita, los rendimientos son cada vez peores. “Es parte del cambio climático –dice-, ya...
22 de agosto de 2018, Kigali - Crear oportunidades de empleo decente para los jóvenes en el sector agrícola de África puede reducir de forma notable la migración juvenil desde el continente, aseguró el Director General de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, en su discurso de clausura en una conferencia internacional...
A concrete set of evidence-based recommendations and tools to prioritize and plan water interventions to support smallholder farmers was presented by FAO during the final project workshop “More effective and sustainable investments in water for poverty reduction in Africa” held at FAO headquarters from 28 -29 June. The project used an...
Rome, 02 August 2018 – The Minister of the Social Action Secretariat of Paraguay, Hector Ramón Cárdenas Molinas, called for greater collaboration with FAO to increase the impact of social protection systems and improve the food security dimension to eradicate extreme poverty in rural areas during a visit to FAO...