Réduction de la pauvreté rurale


New EU-funded FAO, IFAD and WFP initiative seeks to empower rural women and men for food security and better nutrition 8 May 2019, Rome - Three United Nations agencies today launched a new European Union-supported global initiative to address the root causes of rural gender inequalities and thus strengthen efforts to end...
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), lanzará una nueva estrategia para luchar contra los núcleos más duros de pobreza y hambre en América Latina y el Caribe. La estrategia 100 Territorios Libres de Pobreza y Hambre busca dar reconocimiento político a estos lugares, desarrollando...
The Government of Nepal and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today signed a five-year framework agreement on technical cooperation and partnership to improve food and nutrition security in Nepal, while safeguarding and sustainably managing the use of natural resources. The Country Programming Framework (CPF) between the Government of Nepal...
FAO project will address linkage between poverty and climate change for improving livehood of fisherfolks. The impacts of climate change on the fisheries sector in the region are becoming more visible whereby the marginalized and vulnerable are expected to be disproportionally affected. A project launched by FAO will address the linkages...
La FAO appuie les pays de la CEEAC dans la mise en place d'un environnement favorable pour la création d'emplois décents des jeunes dans l'agriculture et l'agrobusiness. Aujourd'hui, pour la première fois, des représentants des Etats membres de la sous-région et des institutions partenaires y compris les jeunes entrepreneurs dans le...